I had it all worked out….
The world’s first Macaronimo bar…..cousin, sibling and friend to the Canadian Nanaimo. I didn’t care much for finding feet….as long as the macarons worked, it would be fine.
The macarons would replace the graham crackers….and all would go swimmingly well…..or not as things turned out.
My base was fine….the middle was not and so the solid top did nothing to save it! It all quietly…..flowed away! Note, this post could be titled ‘When disaster came’.
The whole story
We have a funny relationship…. Sometimes I think I’m the master….and he’s not….. And at other times, I know he is fickle, for sure….. When he triumphs and……I am left spinning with confusion And though our encounters are few and far between, Each one leaves me more confused than the last I run through the whole gamut of emotions Exhilaration and success. And then…..doubt follows swiftly Our first meeting is a veritable delight….. Everyone leaves happy….and fulfilled And our second meeting is more good than bad…. He shows some of the traits I find so appealing

Better luck next month!
I ‘think’ I know where things went wrong….and why I ended up with Bitterkoekjes aka almond macarons
I used vanilla sugar – which was powder/icing/confectioners….but I’m not sure it was pure!
I made my sugar syrup on another hob…..and somehow the whole process went wrong. By the time I was set to drizzle the syrup in, it had caramelized in bits and those came back to haunt me….
And because this failed, I went on to make spectacular….rather delicious meringues…..a first. To be continued…..
[wpurp-searchable-recipe]Macaronimo bars…..not! – – – [/wpurp-searchable-recipe]
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