
A good-for-your-soul feeling which I’m currently experiencing, thanks to my friends in The Netherlands.

A hope that all can and will be.
I’m ‘speed dating’ in the Netherlands. Not properly but it feels rather like it. Its busy, exciting and lots of fun. I’m trading smiles, sharing laughter and exchanging stories. Catching a friend here. Fitting lunchtime shopping into it. Phone calls with the ones I can’t or won’t see, text messages, emails. On and on.
We’re sharing stories. Mine are the same, just repeated in various tones and pitches. They are the warp on the loom. The constant. Said over and over and over again, becoming smoother and more polished by the moment. Not polished to deception but just whittled down to the relevant bits. For time is of the essence. 16 days on arrival has become 10. 6 more to go. Where did time get to, escape?
My stories are the warp; theirs – the weft, the multi-colored threads of lives and events that do not feature me. Us. Only our memories. But true, they show the strength and character, the tapestry of love. Our love and friendships.
I am encouraged to trust. In God who knows me and my heart. Trusting that all things work together for good, for me. I may not see it now. Not understand how…but experience has shown me trusting is good!
I am encouraged to hope. I recently applied for a job. I didn’t get it. In spite of this, I hope. Because of stories my friends share. Stories of hope- finding new jobs, beginning again, following your passion. And actually because of this ‘rejection’, I’ve slept and woken up to a wonderfully new vision which has put fire in my bones, more fire than I’ve experienced in a lonnnnnnnnng time.
I am encouraged to feast. Simply and grandly. To create memories with friends and family. To enjoy life’s bounty. To re-live times past and to simply enjoy good food. I’ve had delicious home-cooked meals. Meals eaten on my ‘old’ street and meals from ‘new’ friends. Neighbours and friends who’ve known you and your clan. And friends made via kitchen butterfly, like C who hosted me and spoilt me silly with a Middle Eastern feast and excellent company.

Friends from Ghana who make a mean omelette with Kobi, salted and preserved Tilapia. Friends who take you to festivals and get you rocking again.

I’m encouraged to give. To give of what I have and oh to receive. My Greek friend, C spoilt me with a bounty of gifts- olive oil, salt, thyme honey, walnuts from her own tree and dried figs. Giving gifts that make an impact are deeply appreciated. I love gifts especially when it pampers my taste buds and pantry.

My return home, to one home fills me up. So completely, the timing couldn’t have been better.

I hope wherever you are, and whatever you’re going through….you find some encouragement, muster up some hope…,and remain smiling.
I know I am. And will.
Thank you so much friends!
Remain encouraged, in spite of……[wpurp-searchable-recipe]Feasting on Encouragement – – – [/wpurp-searchable-recipe]
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