Fruit. Fruit. Fruit.
In Part 1, I shared a few of my favourites which are largely carb-based.
In Part 2, I share my fruit-heavy breakfasts which tend to be fruit bowls and smoothies.

Fruit bowls
Fruit salad, I’m a fruit salad fiend. Lover.

Something about the way the yogurt brings creaminess to the fruit – whether that’s regular old bananas or soursop puree.
My favourite, absolute favourite combinations are best served with plain yogurt – sweetened or unsweetened.
- Pineapple, apple, bananas
- Banana & Lime
- Banana, passion fruit
- Grapes, apples, bananas
- Mango with toasted sesame seeds and lime
Sometimes I add a bit of oats, and nuts – pecans are a firm fave, followed by almonds. And seeds. And herbs. Mostly mint. Or melisse. And basil. And scent leaves, all for their citrus notes.
Some mornings, I crave smoothies.
My favourite smoothies involve the colour orange, mostly from pawpaw. Papaya. Tropical delight.

I love pawpaw in smoothies. At room temperature, it makes them creamy, and frozen, luscious. So I like to use a combination when I make mine. If possible. And that is Lesson #1.
Lesson #2. It helps to have the fruits diced up and frozen in ziploc bags. Easy to access. Efficient even. This way, one need not toil everyday over a chopping board, knife in hand. And then you don’t need ice.
There are other lessons to learn that need not be numbered – two fruits can make a delightful smoothie. Think about pawpaw and lime skin/ zest or fresh ginger. Strawberries and lemon zest.
Smoothies are a great starting point for sorbets. Yes, sorbets and other frozen desserts. Fruit-dense, icy delights and all you need is a good blender and fruits & vegetables.
No to mention the goodness, nutrients and life coursing through your veins as you down them.
Some favourite combinations:
- Pawpaw, carrots, passionfruit and ginger
- Pawpaw, pineapple, watermelon
- Pawpaw with lime zest
- Strawberries with lemon zest
- Apple, cucumber and mint
- Carrots, ginger and orange zest
- Carrots, pawpaw, passionfruit, ginger
- Watermelon, pineapple, pawpaw
- Pawpaw, lime

And this brings to a glorious end the Breakfast series. Lol.
Please share your ideas for quick, easy and exciting breakfasts.
Stay well xxx.[wpurp-searchable-recipe]Quick & Easy: Ideas for Breakfast/ Part 2 – – – [/wpurp-searchable-recipe]
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