In the last few weeks, since Agbalumo has been in season, I’ve experimented with combinations and pairings. Here’s what I’ve found out:
Here are a few notes I’ve made (and will update) from my explorations:
My favourite fruit to combine with Agbalumo has to be Oranges. Something about the sweet citrus fragrance, and colour too works beautifully with it.
- Oranges
- Mangoes
- Bananas – I plan on making a two ingredient ice cream
- Papaya
- Carrots, (A certain Agbalumo-Carrot cake wasn’t bad at all)
Spice & Aromatics
Warming, fragrant flavours which draw out the nuances without overpowering it work well for both sweet recipes and savoury.

Cardamom and Cinnamon work really well – they bring warmth where they’re used with the Agbalumo. I was pleasantly surprised at how delicious a savoury chutney turned out, with the heat of ginger and chilies. Funny enough, no salt was added to the mix so I have little idea if salted Agbalumo is a thing 🙂
I’ve enjoyed the few things I’ve tried with Agbalumo
- Yogurt – I made a nice smoothie once
- Crème fraiche, as an accompaniment to a Tarte Tatin
- Ice cream. I trust Funke…and her ice cream cake
- Scent leaves. Both steeped in a sweet syrup, and used in a Savoury Chutney
- Nuts – Almonds, Hazelnuts, Tiger nuts
- Alcohol – I suspect almond and cherry based drinks would go well. I currently have a few experiments underway involving various types of alcohol – Brandy, Vodka and Cointreau. We shall see…
What flavours do you think might go with Agbalumo considering its characteristics?
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