Episode 1 on ‘The Spot’: Moi, Cooking on TV

My food dreams are not that many.

Write a cookbook.

Cook on TV.

Open The Culinary Institute of Nigeria.

And so on and so forth.

Just a handful.

I have to say that quite a few are coming true and I’m grateful for that.

Back in February, I went to Calabar in the south of Nigeria as a guest of Ebony Life TV on a lifestyle program, The Spot.

I have to confess that it was the up there, right up there with TedXPortHarcourt.

First up, the set is beautiful – very contemporary African decor. The crew and presenters were so ‘normal’ and nice. There was lots of teasing and ribbing and friendly banter – I had this shell-shocked look on my face for a pretty long time.

I don’t know what I expected but it wasn’t what I experienced.

Yes, I was nervous but I needn’t have been. Though it wasn’t my first time on TV, it was my first time in a studio.

The hours between arriving at the studio before the filming began were spent prepping the ingredients and having my make-up done.

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People? I now understand the addiction to make up. I emerged from the dressing room and I barely recognised myself.

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On the first episode, I made my lovely scent leaf curry, first serving it raw as a dip with plantain chips and later…


as a curry with rice and at the same time carry on a conversation with Lamide, Zainab and Ebuka about music and what not.


To accompany the meal, I rustled up some Zobo.

The best part though was watching everyone eat with relish, and go for seconds. People, I felt gratified and validated and fulfilled.

Truth is told.

Watch me in action 🙂

[youtube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-73T3ZlB60&feature=youtu.be”][wpurp-searchable-recipe]Episode 1 on ‘The Spot’: Moi, Cooking on TV – – – [/wpurp-searchable-recipe]


  1. Really awesome. It is interesting to see such a laid back approach to filming the session. I’m used to only the ‘cooker’ (as my daughter calls it) being the one on tv showing the steps.

    Regardless, very nice. I hope you get more tv spots.

    • :). I had so much fun – they are so relaxed and so ‘real’, that shook me, redefined my opinions of scripted, ‘arranged’ shows. I loved it and would love more TV spots. And yes, cooker is what it is.

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