When your goals are soft, jellied yolks, you know you’ve hit a home run with this chicken mince scotch eggs, coated in a yaji/suya-spice, garri crust. Garri makes a delightful crust instead of breadcrumbs. Gluten-free too.
These gladdened my eyes and heart. To make this, you’ll need to:
1. Boil your eggs to perfection. And perfection is whatever you like. I cooked my eggs in boiled, simmering water for ten minutes then dunked in cold water immediately after. They were perfectly medium-boiled. I try to pull them out a minute or two to the texture I like because I think they’ll cook a bit more in the fryer.
2. The mince is the trickiest part – to season properly, and also to have enough, especially if you’re winging it…like I did. I seasoned with my scent leave paste – a mix of blended spring onions, chilies, ground ginger, garlic, scent leaves and salt. Then I did a taste test by pan-frying a portion small portion, after which I adjusted accordingly.
3. The crust is a mix of garri and suya spice.
4. Use enough chicken mince mix to wrap the eggs so they don’t split.

5. Refrigerate the eggs for an hour or so/ pop in the deep freezer for a bit then fry in hot oil for 5-6 minutes turning frequently… or bake in the muffin pans at 230 degrees C till golden, from 18 – 20 minutes (haven’t tried this in ages)

Once cooked, remove from heat, allow cool down and then serve. I like to cut mine in quarters, which I often serve with beer pepper sauce. Delicious to the eyes and on the tongue. The crust the garri creates is stunning – really crunchy.
And when your goals are perfectly golden, jellied yolks, you know you’ve hit a homerun. Peace and love xxx
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