It might surprise you – like it did I – that there are different varieties (or cultivars/ cultivated varieties?) of Agbalumo, distinct in shape, colour and size.

Many factors come into play in describing fruit. On the basis of a number of observations, I dare say I can identify at least 6 varieties – here we go.
Differentiation by Shape
globose - having the shape of a sphere or ball; "a spherical object"; "nearly orbicular in shape" oblate - flattened at the poles, as a spheroid generated by the revolution of an ellipse about its shorter axis (opposed to prolate). ovoid - egg-shaped; having the solid form of an egg.
Variety 1 | Globose, vertical and horizontal axes roughly equal Pointy base.
Variety 2 | Oblate, vertical and horizontal axes roughly equal. Flat base
Variety 3 | Ovoid, vertical axes longer than horizontal. Egg-shaped
Variety 4 | ‘Ellpisoid’, vertical axes longer than horizontal. Less egg-shaped

L – Variety 3; R – Variety 4
Differentiation by Colour of Flesh
The fruit can also be differentiated by the colour of the flesh.
Variety 5 | Red-fleshed, tends to be sweeter than orange-fleshed variety. Present in both globose and ovoid fruits
Variety 6 | Orange-fleshed, tends to be less sweet than red-fleshed variety. Present in both globose and ovoid fruits

I imagine next steps would be trying to establish links to provenance and delving deeper into the specifics of classifying the varieties but really fascinating, no?
Well, yes :). I think so too.
What do you think? What do you know? How else can I slice and dice this fruit to learn more? Any information you can share would be appreciated! Thank you xxx
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