For my 5th post of the year :), I’m still thinking about water – how essential it is but also its symbolism.
First, in trying to use the correct word, I discovered that there are 2 words related to symbols – Symbolism and Symbology. I think if I’ve ever used them, I might have used them interchangeably.
The Content Authority Blog shares this:
Symbolism and symbology are two words that are often confused with one another, but they have distinct meanings. Symbolism refers to the use of symbols to represent ideas or qualities, whereas symbology refers to the study of symbols and their meanings.
By this definition, I mean symbolism. How interesting are the things we learn everyday!
Early on in the year, I attended an event at the Nia Centre for the Arts for mentees, as part of the Left of Centre project, providing creative support for creatives.
At this event, there were bottles of water, each with a label. I thought it was so amazing. And someone said – and I can’t remember who now – “Water with intention”, and my heart soared. I’m definitely that person for whom articulation and words matter. Sometimes, I have these thoughts and struggle to describe them succinctly, often because whenever I discover a thing, I like to share and sometimes I have way too many words to communicate it in brief so articulation for me is super helpful.
The labels on the bottles were different, striking, simple, and definitely call to actions – Rest, Hope, Adventure. And as I reflect on 2023, these 3 words have featured strongly.

First, Rest. About 14 years ago, I was on a little holiday from work and I spent the time doing things I didn’t ordinarily get to do. I was talking it over with a friend then, worried that my definition for rest didn’t fit the definition of rest in my head which was lay down and do absolutely nothing. And she comforted me by articulating my thoughts, and I guess validating them by saying exactly the same thing – rest as a way of resting from certain things, refocusing, putting my attention on things that I didn’t previously have space for. Like decoupage. Since then, my personal experience with rest has expanded to embrace – being still, laying down and doing nothing, redirecting my thoughts – like I did in 2009 and more. Now, I do multiple things – take time off regularly so I don’t get overwhelmed in the physical, and also the mental and emotional.
Then Hope. This year, I’ve hoped so much, against many odds, against personal fears and I’ve reminded myself, and constantly do that if there’s room for despair, then there’s room for hope. And so, whenever I get to a point of deep doubt, of exhaustion, of fear that this won’t work out, I remind myself that I also have infinite capacity to hope. I’m grateful to God at the ability to be constantly reminded about hope, and about being hopeful, and about the power that holds.
And finally Adventure. Okay, so, I’m not a spontaneous person…ish. I’m a planner, and thinker and don’t even mention overthinker (side eye :)). Anyway, I am of the opinion that we all choose our own adventures and that they are about comfort levels. Some of my biggest adventures this year included going downtown Toronto to try Nepali momos and Tibetan ones, twice in a single week, without over-planning. And they were delicious. I learned a lot, and can’t wait to go back to Momo Ghar. I’m sure I explored and had other adventures but this one I thoroughly enjoyed – the joy of discovery of new dumplings!All this to say, water is vitally important, not only for the practical and functional things it does, but also for the reminder through this experience of the symbolism (not symbology) of water. As the year ends, I pray that rest, hope, peace, and joy are parts of our lives, and that our waters of intention, waters with intention refresh us as we plod through the emotional journey that life is.
Love, peace, and clean water. And here’s me hoping and planning to write more in 2024 – more thoughts, reflections, recipes. We’ll see 🙂
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