Category: Recipes

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10 Things to Do With Carrots in Season

Carrots are in season.  Here are 10 ways we’re eating and drinking them them: 1. Eat raw – washed, peeled, washed again and chomped on. Want some dipping sauces? Combine plain/ natural yogurt with curry powder and cilantro leaves, to taste 2. Grate and add to sandwich fillings, salads – cooked and raw, stir fries, rice...


Last of The Preserved: Agbalumo Ice cream

I’m rushing to finish up the last of the Agbalumo, stashed in my deep freezer.  I want to make a salted caramel Agbalumo ice cream. I imagine it would be perfect. I get home from work, puree thawed Agbalumo flesh (1 1/2 cups) with water (1 cup) and white granulated sugar (1 cup) till smooth then I...


Palm Oil Vinaigrette

Growing up, I had a cousin, J who would always toast bits of dried crayfish and dry pepper. He would add this to palm oil and serve it over boiled yam and plantain. I think about him and the sauce a lot. And then lately, I’ve been thinking about making a vinaigrette of it.   ...


Kitchen Hacks: Pumpkin Tangelo Ice cream

This amazing ice cream combines pumpkin puree with store-bought vanilla ice cream to create a gorgeous, easy to make and serve beauty for Thanksgiving. And beats making a custard base and churning ice cream and blah di blah di blah Here’s how. You’ll need 1 cup Pumpkin puree Juice (about 1 cup ) and some...


Sage Salt & Oil for My Nigerian-American Thanksgiving

I’m preparing for Thanksgiving. For smoky Jollof rice sweetened with the golden warmth of autumn Thanking God for warm weather and the sun like a flaming ball in the sky Thankful for the russet and red and golden leaves that fall, that die, that birth the cold and clean that must follow. I’m preparing for Thanksgiving....


Golden Turmeric Milk

A few mornings ago, I made some delicious golden turmeric milk. Thank you @afolakea. Turmeric has so many glowing nutritional qualities – from being an awesome antioxidant to boosting immune health and on and on and on. I believe. I heated milk with cloves, green cardamom, grated fresh turmeric, fresh ginger, brown sugar and almonds....


Yogurt-White Chocolate Breakfast Bowl

A chance find of natural yogurt, and a gift of white Toblerone, shortly before I leave to catch a plan results in this – what I consider the discovery of the year. Well, that would be going a bit too far but I have to say this is an amazing blend. The beauty? Plain, unsweetened...


Green-White-Green Recipes for Irish St-Patrick’s Day and Nigerian Independence Day (In October :)

Here are a few green-white-green recipes to set you on your merry October 1st menu way. Enjoy. Starters Deep Fried Green beans Scent Leaf Dip Ube’camole Scent leaf  Blinis with fish Salads & Sides   Sauteed Greens Grilled corn scent leaf coconut cream Garden Egg Salad and more Farofa Main  Scent Leaf curry Pounded Yam and...