Category: Travel & Exploration

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Brighton: Down By The Beach

I am considering moving countries. Cities. Towns. Brighton is currently top of my list. Don’t ask me the hard question, for I can’t choose right now between Brighton and the love of my life, New York City. For now, let’s just leave it at Brighton. The photos may explain why.


La Boite a Epice, and Lior Lev Sercarz

Something Old fragrant trails & paths of old paved by silk, saffron and peppercorns Something New The alchemy of touch and taste, to produce memories, nostalgia (salt on cheeks), feeling, moment, heart Something Borrowed From spice racks, the world’s own, seeds, nuts and berries are drawn. Old familiars: nutmeg, cinnamon, vanilla. And new ones too:...


On Pie: Baked and Dreamt of

I may not have le cordon blue or any ribbon at all proclaiming me master pie maker but I am determined to raise my children on pie, with pie and knowing pie. My childhood was satisfactory, thank you very much. Even without pie as we know it. All that pielessness is being addressed, corrected.  I’ll...


America Runs on Dunkin’

America runs on Dunkin’. And so do some Nigerians. Daughter #2 is considering buying a Dunkin Donuts franchise, and bringing it home. I’ve explained to her the meaning of the word… I consider her alternative – working for DD, as a not too progressive suggestion. She’ll overdose on the donuts, and spend every penny she...


Dining at the Niagara Falls Culinary Institute

All that’s left for us to do is to have breakfast at ‘La Patisserie’. I fully intend to make that happen this very morning. Or tomorrow, just before we do the return leg to our road trip. The Culinary institute, the first culinary institute I’ve come close to is on a historic street close to the...


The Turkish Shop & Saying Goodbye

There are many things I wish I could take home with me. Many people too. Alas. I’ve bought the cookies and waffles. Spray can cream and croissants in tins. I’ve got a cool bag too. I haven’t used my real camera much – been having a blast with my iPhone and instagram! Shame on me...