Category: Travel & Exploration

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Reasons to Believe: All things Creme Fraiche, Mascarpone and Ricotta

Domestic goddess that I am. I’m in red raffia heels. OK….wedges. I feel like Nigella. Creme Fraiche on the go, 2 fruit cakes in the making (last Christmas’s success), this time the recipe is adjusted to include some Maltina and pureed lemon sugar. Its the creme fraiche that I’d like to start off with. Thankfully,...


Chocolate Dump-it All Cake a la Hesser

Normal. Is not a word I’d use to describe me. Myself. Is that bad English? I am intrigued by butter. Sticks of butter. The allure of reading American recipes that call for a ‘stick of butter’ hasn’t worn off……and I can count January the 8th as one of my best days in the history of...


Pumpkin Maple Oat Rolls

Healthy 6am weekday conversations in our home are rare. As I guess they are in most households with children of any sort: pre-teen and post teens! Usually, moaning and grumbling tend to dampen the chit-chat of the blue tits and red robins; and even the cocks crowing-a dawn. The kids channel crackles with dragging feet...


What to eat in Ghana

As told by me. And in alphabetical order. And yes, 11 days in a country makes me an expert, on eating at least, if nothing else. I’ve done my best to share the correct pronunciations. Where available, I’ve included photographs – enjoy!


Merry Christmas & A Happy 2012

Dear friends, readers, strangers and loved ones. Thank you for the wonders that 2011 held for me – the loss of a friend, a country move, lots of food and still intense passion about cooking and learning and sharing. I feel blessed to be me, surrounded by a world of amazing people – you. Every...


‘Simmer & Stir’ Christmas Cake

No corny statements about how quickly Christmas has come this year.No, none. Only cake. A fruit cake. The likes of which I’ve never made before. Dreamt of making….yes but one of those dreams which die hard and early. I grew up with Fruitcakes every Christmas, lovingly made by Mrs O, a friend of my mum’s....