You might think you know what a chocolate chip cookie is And that’s fine But just for the record Just for clarity’s sake…and peace too Let me tell you what it’s not A chocolate chip cookie is not Crunchy or crumbly all the way through Therefore it isn’t Maryland Or any other brand that does...
Tag: Baked
Baked Plantains with Cheese & Groundnuts
In which I use groundnuts and peanuts interchangeably. Because I can. Anyways, Bake plantains with cheese? Hard to imagine? Well, I can tell you that this was one of the most delightful things I’ve had in a bit and a half. See when it comes to Latin Americans and plantains, I have to give them...
Food Photo Love: Chocolate Fondant
A photo I love with a short story and a recipe. There’s something about photographing food that melts my heart. Invisible things become seen. How tightly we hold on to some things – slippery by nature. How delicately we hold on to others, careful not to break the golden egg and have its contents spewed over...
Yam & Egg Tortilla, In the Manner of Spain
…in the manner of the Tortilla Espanol or Spanish Omelette – an egg-based dish made with potatoes. To be honest, I almost always do a like for like, swapping yam for potatoes. Sometimes, it works well – like in waffles, and hashes and what nots and sometimes we have to think about it a bit...
Packed with Care & Baked: Apple & Chia Seed Cake
Six months ago, I moved cities. It was hard, hard to leave what I knew and loved and had become used to. Here is Part 1 of many…I wrote back in October. —–00000—– How do you pack up memories Happy and sad How do you box up thoughts Ferry them across tar and concrete ‘Cause...
Top Ten (10) Pancake Recipes
We’re a pancake loving family. We don’t go a week without them. Sometimes, a day. This Shrove Tuesday, I’m sharing some of our favourites: Fact: Did you know the Dutch NEVER eat pancake for breakfast?* *rolling my eyes, shaking my head*. However not? Well, that’s them. And lovers of The Netherlands or not, we have...
On Pie: Baked and Dreamt of
I may not have le cordon blue or any ribbon at all proclaiming me master pie maker but I am determined to raise my children on pie, with pie and knowing pie. My childhood was satisfactory, thank you very much. Even without pie as we know it. All that pielessness is being addressed, corrected. I’ll...
Lemon & Lemon Bars
Do you sense it as well? This grasping at straws. The Meyers are leaving me be. And I sit here, moaning the end of a season, a friendship….a love affair even, …..with Meyers, my Meyers. The strawberries are no better. They’ve turned an insipid colour that I won’t dignify by calling red. For these bear...
The Anatomy of a Meyer Lemon
I have a list fetish. I feed it in my ever-present notebook. Shopping lists, reading lists, lists of places to see, people to write to and on and on. When you combine both, you end up with a bucket list. Not for everything but for ‘big’ occasions. Like I had for my first New York trip. At the...