Tag: Chicken recipes

Home / Chicken recipes

Totally ‘Not Vanilla-Bland’ Chicken

Vanilla bland has to be one of the most meaningless phrases I’ve ever heard. And should I hear it again, I will let my fury run wild. For many years, I endured a certain person I saw almost every day speak of the apparent commonness of vanilla – plain Jane, no thrills, no fancies. In...


Alvin’s Drunken Chicken

Drunken chicken. I don’t drink. Well rarely. Most of my wine collection/liqueur cabinet is given over to culinary pursuits – vodka for vanilla and rose essence; rum because I went to Barbados, ginger wine…just because, Pernod for use in fennel recipes, which by the way leads me to ask….when last did you see a fennel...


Three Chicken Wing recipes, for Football season and beyond

Apparently, its football season in the US of A. Well, in my home, football season never goes away for my husband. Whether accompanied my sticky, juicy wings or not. Thanks to food52, I’ve risen to the occasion to bond with my American friends and come up with a few recipes. It doesn’t matter that these...


Minced Chicken Satays with the Daring Cooks

The January 2010 DC challenge was hosted by Cuppy of Cuppylicious and she chose a delicious Thai-inspired recipe for (Pork) Satay from the book: 1000 Recipes by Martha Day. We, cooks had the options of doing what we wanted as long as we marinated the chosen meat or veg!!! Can you believe it is already...