Tag: New Nigerian kitchen

Home / New Nigerian kitchen

Sweet Ehuru & Carrot Pancakes

Because when carrots are in season, we do every and any. Because they are delish – more nutritious when cooked. You must make them because the children, my children fell in love after initially turning up noses when these were just batter. Gorgeous carrot pancakes that are perfect for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I spiced mine with...


Monday Mocktails: Agbalumo – Soursop Drink

I am a believer that if certain fruits and vegetables are in season together, they are meant to be combined – within reasonable bounds of course. Though what’s reasonable to me, might strike another as not. This case for an Agbalumo-soursop drink was really easy. Not only were they in season together but I’ve made...


Nigerian Seasonal Produce: Udara [Agbalumo, African Star Apple], #2

‘Nigerian Seasonal Produce’ is a monthly column which will be published on the last Saturday of every month. In this column, a writer explores a specific seasonal fruit, vegetable or leafy green assigned by the editors of Kitchen Butterfly and based on the Nigerian Seasonal Produce Calendar. Our author this month is Keside Anosike – writer extraordinary who teases me...


Balangu Jollof

What you do when you ferry leftovers across skies, from Abuja to Lagos – you make Jollof. You add some yaji and kulikuli to the mix. You also treat the Balangu three ways: You attempt to make a floss of it, dambu – attempt she says because laziness and smoke and we did have small chunks...


In Season Pickles: Carrots, Agbalumo, Orange

One way to enjoy fruits and veg in season – carrots, agbalumo, oranges – is to explore a variety of uses – fresh, cooked, preserved. I especially like pickles – they add bright flavour to dishes – a bit sour, tart, sharp even, not to mention the burst of colour.  Pickling isn’t an oft-used preservation...


Nigerian Seasonal Produce: Carrots, #1

‘Nigerian Seasonal Produce’ is a monthly column which will be published on the last Saturday of every month. In this column, a writer explores a specific seasonal fruit, vegetable or leafy green assigned by the editors of Kitchen Butterfly and based on the Nigerian Seasonal Produce Calendar. Our author this month is Osemhen of Eureka Naija –...